Co-ownership shares: 17/1.000 MEA
Share of property on the land in %: 1.70 %
Monthly housing fee: € 246.10
How much (in EUR) of maintenance fund payment already included in housing fee: € 49.58
(More) Informations on maintenance reserve fund: The reserve balance as at 31.12.2022 will be submitted individually during the inspection. More recent figures are not available.
Note: From the 2024 economic plan
Allocable to the tenant when letting (excluding property tax and CO-2 share): € 151.95
Source of these informations: Billing 2022
Renovations to be done in the flat: No
Number of units in the block: 207
Further hint regarding other than apartment units: The jointly managed units include not only Frankenallee 25, but also the buildings Mainzer Landstraße 146 and 148. For the maintenance reserve and maintenance or modernization measures, we received the following information from the property management when asked to what extent the owner of the apartment offered for sale here is involved.
"In principle, these investments are financed from the maintenance reserve. Depending on the measure, the costs are either borne by all owners (= 11,000 co-ownership shares) or by Frankenallee (= 1,000 co-ownership shares) or Mainzer Landstrasse 146-148 (= 10,000 co-ownership shares), always in proportion to the co-ownership shares.
Of the measures that affect the entire property, 30% of the costs are allocated to Frankenallee on a pro rata basis and set in relation to the co-ownership share of 17 MEA. Added to this are the costs that can be directly allocated to Frankenallee.
The measures will be implemented following a prior resolution, but not all at the same time."