Co-ownership shares: 132/10.000 MEA
Share of property on the land in %: 1.32 %
Monthly housing fee: € 270.00
How much (in EUR) of maintenance fund payment already included in housing fee: € 56.73
(More) Informations on maintenance reserve fund: This applies to the entire system. A proportion of € 9,600 is due to the apartment including the parking space.
Note: The monthly advance payment is € 248 for the apartment and € 22 for the parking space.
In case of renting out payable amount by tenant: € 170.00
Source of these informations: Economic plan 2017, which according to the property manager is still valid.
Renovations to be done in the flat: Not known
Number of units in the block: 63
Further hint regarding other than apartment units: In Block 2 there are 14 of the 63 apartments that belong to the community of owners.