Real estate property is one of the most valued assets in the world.
Our mission is to help people secure or stabilize their assets by investing in real estate.
Our focus is on human beings.
You are our customer if you want to buy, sell, rent or let a property.
There are other reasons why you are or may become our customer. For example, if you need a valuation report; be it for reasons of inheritance, separation, asset allocation, calculation of a housing or usufruct right or other rights. Or for sale on the basis of a lifelong housing right. Or any other reason.
We want to give our customers the best possible and professionally sound advice.
Therefore, we focus on the area where we are "at home". These are primarily residential real estate or small and medium sized commercial properties.
To evaluate these is our field of expertise.
The sale of a property should be well prepared. Our self-declared task includes the research of all documents and information that we can obtain about an object. Basically, we follow the steps of a complete real estate appraisal. Because he who wants to determine the real estate value seriously, must really get to know the property.
Once we have thoroughly familiarized ourselves with an object and put together all the available documents, we put the object into marketing.
This marketing must adequately honor your property. Bad photos, a flimsy description or incomplete information are detrimental to the sale. Some owners are reluctant to give us any information or consider it unimportant. We are happy if we can convince them otherwise in the course of our work. Of a house that has been inhabited for 30 years and hardly modernized, we can not do a piece of jewelry. But we can judge the substance of the building. And appreciate.
Our customers value our openness in dealing with the object and with them as a seller.
Our exposés reflect the thoroughness of our preparation. We want to give the prospective buyer the best information possible.
We are "always on the market". This allows us to bring buyers and sellers together for mutual satisfaction.
For you as a buyer of a property, this principle applies: We would like to meet you again in the future and see a smile.
In other words, your satisfaction is our highest asset.
Many of our clients come from the recommendation of friends or acquaintances who are very satisfied with our work.
We look forward to welcoming you as a customer!
Your feedback is welcome.