Until 2022, it was no problem to sell a property. Buyers queued up and paid almost any price. Now it is once again important to make the right decisions at the right time and to weigh up the factors of time and money carefully. And use a good agent with expertise to evaluate the price closest to the market.
Most property sellers, namely 68 per cent, are interested in achieving the highest possible sales price, while 28 per cent of those surveyed are primarily interested in selling as quickly as possible.
A recent ImmoScout24 survey of homeowners shows that estate agents are once again playing a more important role in property sales. Only a fifth of respondents would sell their property without professional help - the rest are undecided.
The need for advice and service when selling property has increased. Among other things, the new energy requirements have contributed to this. Word has got around that older houses or flats in unrenovated buildings have lost the most value in the last two years.
The need for information and pricing has increased. 55 per cent assume that the sales price depends heavily on the energy efficiency of the property. 44 per cent fear that property prices will continue to fall. For three quarters of respondents, a free property valuation is particularly important before commissioning an estate agent. Most recently, 65 per cent of all properties were sold through an estate agent.
In times of volatile purchase prices, it is difficult for private property owners to assess the value of their own property. Professional agents with good regional market knowledge are therefore particularly important at the moment. This is because property markets not only differ from city to city, but sometimes even from street to street within a city.
Conclusion: If you want to sell as quickly as possible and at the highest price, you should always seek thorough advice beforehand.
(Photo: © Garik Barseghyan, Pixabay)