In the tight rental property market, competition for a free rental flat is fierce. A recent survey by ImmoScout24 shows who German landlords prefer to rent to and that it is not only hard facts such as income, occupation and creditworthiness that count, but also personal impressions.
When asked who landlords prefer to rent to, more than half of those surveyed said singles. Couples are even more popular with almost two thirds of the votes. Families were in third place with around a third of the votes. Pensioners also have a good chance with 22 per cent. Students, single parents with children and flat-sharing communities are favoured by eleven percent, ten percent and four percent of respondents respectively. 60 per cent of all respondents stated that they would not rent to a flat-sharing community at all.
Landlords are interested in a stable tenancy. In this context, 85 per cent of respondents pay the most attention to personal impressions, closely followed by a verifiable, regular income, which is decisive for 82 per cent. 37 per cent are also interested in a completed tenant self-disclosure form and 35 per cent in proof of creditworthiness.
When applying for a vacant rental flat, prospective tenants can make a good impression with a personalised cover letter even before viewing the flat. When asked what information is most important in a cover letter, almost three quarters of respondents cited occupation and income. The reason for moving is relevant for 14 per cent and marital status for six per cent.
For 63 per cent of housing providers, it is crucial that the future tenants fit into the existing housing community. Around a third opt for prospective tenants who show enthusiasm for the flat. More than three quarters state that they do not want to see any alterations made to the flat, while more than half welcome cosmetic repairs such as painting the walls. Commercial use of the flat is out of the question for 68 per cent. The demand for practice time for a musical instrument is rejected by 39 per cent. 20 per cent see the installation of the kitchen and five per cent the laying of floor coverings as personal contributions.
(Photo: © 6815560, Pixabay)