Prospective property buyers are only slowly getting used to the changed positions of buyers and sellers on the property market. Many find it difficult to assess what a flat or house is really worth now. The right arguments are crucial in sales talks - but what are they?
It is obvious that the negotiating parties in a sales meeting have conflicting interests when it comes to price. However, there is much more at stake than purely financial interests. Location continues to play an important role. But new aspects have emerged in recent months. These are primarily the condition of the house, its energy requirements, upcoming renovations, the type of heating, insulation and future value retention.
The energy turnaround and the Building Energy Act are currently having a greater impact on property price expectations than the economic situation, according to market experts. The majority of prospective buyers expect property prices to fall in the next twelve months. Only 7.2 per cent expect prices to rise.
According to a survey, the expected living situation at the location of the property being purchased is of the utmost importance to property buyers. However, energy efficiency is now also one of the most important criteria when buying a property. The presence of sustainable energy generators such as solar panels, heat pumps or district heating connections is therefore one of the most important criteria when looking for a property. This feature is given significantly more importance than the specific location of the residential property, which is otherwise still very much in focus.
The survey also revealed that the energy transition and the Building Energy Act have a significant influence on the development of property prices. More than 70 per cent of respondents stated that these factors had a strong influence on their assessment, while only just over 50 per cent rated the influence of the general economic situation in Germany as decisive.
Another finding is that mortgage interest rates have a negative impact on purchase decisions in all price segments. This negative influence is particularly clear for buyers of properties worth up to 250,000 euros.
(Graphic: © Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)