Last year's gas shortage has not yet been forgotten. This winter, the gas storage tanks are well filled, but the heating costs for all heating systems are still high. It still makes sense to use energy sparingly.
At the end of September 2023, the filling level of the gas storage facilities was 95 percent, around nine percent above the average for the years 2017 to 2021. The minimum filling level specified by the Federal Network Agency has thus been significantly exceeded. That sounds reassuring. In recent months, gas consumption in Germany has almost always been below the average for the years 2018 to 2021 - probably also due to high energy costs.
The cost of heating has risen by up to 81 percent in 2022, depending on the energy source. This is shown in the current heating index for Germany by the non-profit consultancy co2online. An average household in an apartment building has to pay 1,475 euros for heating with gas. Heating costs for wood pellets (+ 81 percent), heat pumps (+ 50 percent) and heating oil (+ 48 percent) have also risen significantly. District heating, on the other hand, has only become slightly more expensive (+ 5 percent). The reason for the higher heating costs is the sharp rise in prices for all energy sources during the energy crisis.
For the current year, co2online expects heating costs to fall slightly because energy prices are falling again. According to the evaluation, heating with gas will be eleven percent cheaper compared to 2022. The costs of heating with wood pellets (- 17 percent) and heating oil (- 19 percent) will also fall.
The costs for heating with a heat pump fall the most (- 20 percent). The reason for this is a renewed increase in the range of heat pump electricity tariffs. Only for district heating will customers probably have to pay more in 2023 (+ 10 percent).
By the way: Poorly vented radiators work inefficiently and cause higher energy costs. The homeowner can ventilate the radiator himself or have it done at the same time as the next heating system maintenance. And: Single room fireplaces such as tiled stoves, heating fireplaces or chimney stoves are still allowed. Only outdated fireplaces that were approved between 1995 and the end of March 2010 must be retrofitted or replaced.
(Photo: © Daniel Kirsch, Pixabay)