Since the Corona crisis, many people can again confirm the old German saying in the headline. It is associated with thoughts of health, nature, fresh air, exercise, design and much more. Vegetables or fresh flowers in one's own garden or the coffee table on the terrace are desirable for many.
Not everyone wants to spend a lot of time gardening, but almost everyone prefers to spend their free time in summer at a sheltered seat in the garden. Some want a lot of flowering plants, others rather like the quiet view of the greenery, still others rave about having their own raised bed where lettuce, radishes, beetroot and herbs can be harvested.
Summer is the best time for people and animals in the garden. The garden becomes the hub of private life. It is where we eat, celebrate, learn, perhaps work, but in any case relax. It is therefore essential to have seating areas where people can sit down and enjoy the time alone or with others.
As soon as the summer sun stings too much, cooling shade becomes important. When creating seating areas, it is therefore essential to plan for practical sun protection. A sunshade would be the simplest solution. Natural shade from trees or woody plants would be much more pleasant and the best place to place chairs and loungers - because the air does not accumulate under green leaves.
Roof plane trees, for example, are ideal as sun protection for the terrace. But green pergolas, an open garden house or a sun sail are also nice options. A garden lounger can be set up wonderfully on the lawn - but tables and chairs should have a firm, level base.
For many people, a house of their own with a beautiful surrounding garden is the dream of a lifetime. But small and even tiny gardens also make people happy, for example on a terraced house, on a ground-floor flat or in the backyard. And last but not least - every green space in the city improves the climate and well-being.
(Photo: © Green Press Portal, Appeltern, 2023)