The politically desired heat transition is increasingly making itself felt on the real estate market. This year, 8.2 percent of the residential properties listed on immowelt's portals already have a heat pump. Within two years, the proportion of residential properties with heat pumps has almost tripled.

The type of heating also has an enormous influence on the value of a property: asking prices for houses with heat pumps are on average up to 13 percent higher than for comparable properties with oil heating. For apartments, the price difference is even up to 20 percent. "The trend is increasingly moving towards heat pumps," says immowelt Managing Director Piet Derriks. "Due to the impending costs of operating or replacing an ageing heating system, a modern, energy-efficient heating system is increasingly considered a key feature of a property by prospective buyers."

While heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular, fossil fuel heating systems are becoming obsolete. Although most advertised residential properties still have gas heating, its share has fallen significantly since 2022 - from 49.0% to currently 41.9%. The trend is similar for oil heating systems. Heat pumps are least common in large cities. The limited space and the significantly lower ownership rate compared to rural areas make it difficult to replace heating systems. In addition, homeowners cannot decide on their own whether to install a heat pump. 

Stiftung Warentest has tested air-to-water heat pumps - including models from Buderus, Vaillant, Weishaupt and Viessmann. The test winner was the Buderus appliance, which is suitable as a heat and cooling generator for new builds and heating system modernization. 

The new WPV funding navigator from the Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e.V. (German Heat Pump Association) lists current federal, state and local government funding for heat pumps at, which can be used for both the new construction and renovation of buildings. 

Photo: © Press photo, Buderus

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