Rarely have utility bills and tenant utility bills been so eagerly awaited. The amount of the costs will probably push some households to the limits of their ability. Good to know: Of course, all legal rules still apply.
Tenants should carry out a precise check of the settlement items. Landlords are only allowed to pass on current expenses to tenants, not one-off costs. In addition, the costs must be itemised in a comprehensible way. Landlords have a maximum of twelve months after the end of the accounting period to prepare the statement. As a rule, they are not allowed to claim back payments after the one-year period has expired. If the operating costs statement is incorrect, tenants can raise objections within twelve months of receipt.
Operating costs must be stated in the tenancy agreement. These include costs incurred in the intended use of the building, including any facilities and the land, i.e. expenses for heating, water supply and the employment of a caretaker, among others.
Tenants should check the operating costs statement as soon as possible. If it is necessary for a proper examination, tenants can ask to see the settlement documents or request copies of the documents. However, the receipts do not have to be submitted with the statement. If tenants fail to pay additional claims from the operating and ancillary costs statement, they may be threatened with termination of the tenancy by the landlord.
The question of whether landlords may lower the room temperature without the tenant's consent has recently surfaced in public. In principle, there is no legal regulation on how tenants must set the heating. Landlords, on the other hand, have to ensure that the heating in the rented flat works and that a certain room temperature can be reached. The Berlin Regional Court has specified a minimum room temperature of 20 °C for the period between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm. The landlord cannot therefore demand that the temperature fall below this.
(Photo: © Jill Wellington, Pixabay)