The federal government's new construction funding recently caused displeasure. The budget was exhausted too quickly, applicants were disappointed. The changeover to more efficiency will not happen without drastic changes. The Ministry of Economics is working on a solution that will quickly make Germany climate neutral.


Stage 1 of the newly oriented new construction subsidy for residential and non-residential buildings was already exhausted on the first possible day of application. Stage 2 started only one day later, but under stricter conditions.


In stage 2, new construction funding in the EH 40 Sustainability programme will be continued seamlessly, but with more demanding conditions. The programme now only allows new construction funding in combination with the Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings (QNG). The QNG has already been an optional part of federal funding for efficient buildings since mid-2021 and will now become mandatory in stage 2. Stage 2 of the new construction subsidy runs until December 31st, 2022.


As the third and final stage of the realignment of new construction funding, a new comprehensive programme entitled "Climate-friendly Construction" is planned for January 2023. This programme will focus even more on greenhouse gas emissions in the life cycle of buildings. The exact adjustment of the programme is currently being worked out in the Federal Government.


For more information on the promotional conditions for new construction, please visit the KfW website:


In addition to funding for new construction, the federal government also funds renovation measures. Applications for funding for refurbishment have already been open since 22 February 2022 and will continue. Funding for renovation is particularly important for climate protection, as this is where the highest climate protection effect can be achieved. The renovation funding includes various individual measures that help to save energy and money, for example by replacing old windows and exterior doors, old heating systems, and insulating walls, ceilings or roofs.


(Photo: © Andreas Breitling, Pixabay)

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