Building is the last adventure in a highly civilized world, say seasoned professionals and experienced builders. Between planning and the finished house are quite a few intermediate steps that determine the success of the project and the price. Find out which possibilities there are to positively influence the result and the costs.
Whether prefabricated or architect-designed house - it is crucial to be clear about your own needs. This also pays off when it comes to financing and the construction process. Important cost factors are construction time, living space, shape of the building and the right energy concept. If you choose materials and equipment wisely, you can save a lot of money on construction without having to compromise on living comfort or design.
Stiftung Warentest offers the comprehensive guidebook "Günstig bauen". On 224 sides the book for 34.90 euro informs about it, how one builds an own house well and economically. Also the additional expenses do not come briefly. The costs of expert opinions, specialist planners, energy consulting or architects' fees can make up a significant proportion of the total construction costs.
Changes to the original plans during the construction phase are often a cost-driving factor. When buying a prefabricated house, considerable additional costs can arise if one deviates from the standard version. The greatest potential for savings lies in the size of the house. One should therefore ask oneself critically what room sizes are really needed. A lot can also be saved by the shape of the building. Simple, rectilinear buildings require less work, materials and energy than those with recesses, oriels or dormers.
If possible, the quality of the material should not be skimped on. Otherwise, long-term additional costs are to be expected due to premature repairs or faster wear and tear. Sustainable materials are not only recommended with regard to the environment, but also have a positive effect on the resale value of the house in the long term.
(Photo: © Ralphs Photos, Pixabay)