The deadline is approaching: from 23.12.2020 it is official. Sellers and buyers have to share the broker's commission equally. This applies to the whole of Germany, for the whole of Germany. From Garmisch to Flensurg, from Aachen to Bautzen! No more exceptions are possible. Really ALL?
However, one limitation holds true: This rule, which now becomes effective by law, only applies to the sale of single-family houses and condominiums. Not for plots of land, apartment buildings, commercial properties, hotels, petrol stations, swimming pools...
The seller, however, is allowed to take over all or the greater part of the broker's commission. However, the reverse does not work; the buyer should not have to pay more commission than the seller.
So if you want to sell your condominium (whether rented or owner-occupied) or a single-family house this year, you have to step on the accelerator.
If you need assistance with this, simply contact us. Tel.015158703200. email Or send an email here.